Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Village View psychic board member hotline.

Thank you for calling the Village View psychic hotline. My name is Dante your psychic advisor and I will be revealing your financial future. I am getting a vision concerning higher prices in oil, gas, and electricity. I see a number of years ago Village View had assessments based on record oil prices. I predict O.P.E.C. will be having you over a barrel once again. I can also see a tall dark man who will pick your pocket. I can hear him saying "electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"* under my Cap and Trade system. Another strange man named Al Gore will also raise havoc with your finances by claiming earths temperature will rise and increase cooling costs, while other warm mongers claim an ice age is coming and it will increase heating costs. Boy your screwed no matter which way the wind blows. The only question is how can you avoid these shysters and prevent yourself from becoming homeless. Well no self respecting psychic gives out that information without getting your credit card info first. I will tell you one thing REVENUE is the answer. The board is currently examining cost saving concepts such as co-generation, but ultimately like all successful businesses REVENUE determines the winners. I have another vision that will bring you prosperity and happiness, but it seems your mastercard was denied. Check back when you fix your credit problems.


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