Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Boiler tour

Izabella, Richard, and I took a tour of the boiler room and roof of building 6 courtesy of Brenda Hundley and Sam Attard. (Left) This boiler is the one that had the dry fire. The tubes are currently being replaced and it will be fully operational shortly.

(Right) Here is a picture of one of the vacuum pumps. You can see from the water stain that it is leaking and should be replaced.

(Left) This is a picture of the boiler that our insurance carrier considered beyond repair. In order for it to be removed it must be cut up in small pieces and hoisted up by a winch over 20 feet and be carried out a standard sized door. Since 2 boilers can adequately provide heat with the third as a backup replacing this boiler is not being considered at this time.

Izabella will be teaching a self defense class on the roof. Here she is demonstrating how to gouge out the eyeball of an assailant. She forgot Richard wears glasses. Either that or they are practicing a three stooges routine. Nyuck Nyuck.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Open Forum 2/8/11

President Adam Silvera opened the meeting while throngs of supporters cheered and applauded. My mistake, that was the Super Bowl. In spite of the numerous recent problems that have popped up the shareholders were well behaved, thoughtful, and offered constructive opinions. No emergency personnel were required at any time during the meeting. The major concerns were the boilers, snow removal, and the elevator damage in building 2 caused by flooding. We are in the process of fixing the boilers and elevators, and ask for your continued patience. Not to give you a snow job, but we have experienced some severe storms lately. Many employees worked very hard to clear the grounds, and unfortunately the new tractor broke down. He is currently in therapy. Some good suggestions were made about expanded snow clearing for building access. One tenant complained about gangs of rats wilding on the premises. A google search estimates there are about 60 million in N.Y, not including ex-spouses and bailout recipients. The verminator has been on site regularly, but the rats just say keep saying "I'll be bahk". They seem to multiply faster than Charlie Sheen's court appearances. Some other topics concerned the use of revenue generated by new applicants to the waiting list (not resolved), and auditing 3 bedroom shareholders (an attempt to open up more apartments). Remember the management requires notification if you plan on doing apartment renovations, and you must leave a deposit of  $1000.00. If you don't and you cause damage they plan on suing your pants off! Not wise with freezing weather and millions of gigantic, carnivorous, rat packs running around. I don't know why, but my parents loved the rat pack.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Trapped like a rat

N.Y. has seen it's share of snow lately, and all of us have suffered. None more than the occupants of parking lot #3. While the other lots were cleared the cars in lot 3 were still buried a day later due to John having a breakdown. No not John Blackman, John Deere the small tractor. As a result many drivers needed to take an extra day off from work, but I hear their eligible for unemployment benefits. To add insult to injury it is rumored a resident had an unlicensed, uninsured, contractor working in their apartment and caused a flood. This in turn caused catastrophic damage to the elevators. As a result many of our elderly were forced to remain in their apartments, or chance the long trek up the stairway. I had to help a senior up the stairs with a large cart of laundry, and she nearly had to carry me the last two flights. So between being covered in a snowy grave and no elevators the occupants of building 2 know what it is liked to be trapped like a rat. We just can't resist that cheese whiz.