Thursday, February 3, 2011

Trapped like a rat

N.Y. has seen it's share of snow lately, and all of us have suffered. None more than the occupants of parking lot #3. While the other lots were cleared the cars in lot 3 were still buried a day later due to John having a breakdown. No not John Blackman, John Deere the small tractor. As a result many drivers needed to take an extra day off from work, but I hear their eligible for unemployment benefits. To add insult to injury it is rumored a resident had an unlicensed, uninsured, contractor working in their apartment and caused a flood. This in turn caused catastrophic damage to the elevators. As a result many of our elderly were forced to remain in their apartments, or chance the long trek up the stairway. I had to help a senior up the stairs with a large cart of laundry, and she nearly had to carry me the last two flights. So between being covered in a snowy grave and no elevators the occupants of building 2 know what it is liked to be trapped like a rat. We just can't resist that cheese whiz.

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