Saturday, July 16, 2011

No more shrimps on the barbie!

You like it well done?
A notice has been posted prohibiting barbecuing on the balconies. In addition to the dangerous possibility of causing a fire, your neighbor with asthma will not appreciate the the smoke of a burning carcass wafting into their living room. That being said Village View and/or HPD  in my opinion wrongly considers a balcony a half room. It is unfinished, unheated, and while it adds value to an apartment it is never the equal of finished interior space. In fact an apartment with a balcony is smaller square feet wise than a similar apartment with no balcony, yet it costs more! In addition it is charged more for maintenance/ utilities. It was also calculated as part of the fuel/utility assessment we paid when oil hit a record $145. a barrel in 2008. How does an unfinished, unheated balcony qualify for a fuel or utility surcharge? If I am wrong on this issue please let me know because it's burning me up!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The top five reasons we should act like shareholders instead of renters.

#5) Shareholders have a vested interest* in their apartments. Renters don't have any ownership rights, and pay a fortune for that privilege.
#4) Shareholders invest in their homes via HPD and board approved capital improvements. We are investing in our own future while a renter is investing in his landlords future.
#3) Shareholders are living the American Dream, and unlike a lot of homeowners the only time we're underwater is when we forget to turn off the faucet!
#2) If you don't behave like a shareholder Mayor Bloomberg will outlaw every possible bad behavior and fine you!
 Drum roll please.... and the number one reason is:
         Even total strangers realize how great it is to be a shareholder because there are thousands of them waiting for you to kick the bucket and take over your apartment!

*Vested interest: An existing or disposable right to the immediate or future possession and enjoyment of property.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Roman statue donated to Village View

Statua Della Imbecillicus MCLMV
The famed Italian sculptur Francesco Nasco created "Statua Della Imbecillicus" in 1955 and has now donated it to Village View. His works have graced theme parks, circuses, and sanitariums throughout Europe, and now the playground between buildings one and two. In spite of the fact that he was expelled from every major university including "Whatsamatta U" of Rome he was recently promoted to head designer at Lego. Please visit the statue and make a wish, but throw your coins gently.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A View to die for

Thanks to the staff shareholders were allowed to view the Fourth of July fireworks from the roofs of building 1 and 5 this year. A special thanks to our military personnel who gave everything to preserve the freedom we commerate today. When they heard a bang and saw a flash it was likely an artillery shell. Not exactly an event you'd want to celebrate, but to them this country was worth the price they paid. Let us not forget those who made it all possible.

"Freedom is never more than one generation from must be fought for, protected, and handed on..." Ronald Reagan