Thursday, July 14, 2011

The top five reasons we should act like shareholders instead of renters.

#5) Shareholders have a vested interest* in their apartments. Renters don't have any ownership rights, and pay a fortune for that privilege.
#4) Shareholders invest in their homes via HPD and board approved capital improvements. We are investing in our own future while a renter is investing in his landlords future.
#3) Shareholders are living the American Dream, and unlike a lot of homeowners the only time we're underwater is when we forget to turn off the faucet!
#2) If you don't behave like a shareholder Mayor Bloomberg will outlaw every possible bad behavior and fine you!
 Drum roll please.... and the number one reason is:
         Even total strangers realize how great it is to be a shareholder because there are thousands of them waiting for you to kick the bucket and take over your apartment!

*Vested interest: An existing or disposable right to the immediate or future possession and enjoyment of property.

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