Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Open Forum 1/5/11

The main topic of the night was the boiler problem. New boilers were installed in 2003 and had safety devices in place to prevent the dry fire that occurred on 12/8. The fact that our insurance will pay for the damage indicates we were not negligent. In the past they were monitored by personnel 24/7 like the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant. We all remember how that turned out. The problem of the too hot, too cold phenomenon that residents complain about I believe is a by-product of a system that was designed over 50 years ago. We may have upgraded the boilers, but the system of delivering the heat has not been upgraded. Just check out your radiators, ugh! President Adam Silvera mentioned the raise for the guards, a compensation package for eligible retirees and health insurance for the new hires. Kudos to our Treasurer Frank Gardner who was able to finance it without breaking the bank. He should head the fed instead of Ben Breakbanke. The question of lowering the parking rate was promptly dismissed. As a board member I understand that lowering the rate could cause a budget shortfall leading to maintenance increases. As a car owner I think we pay too much, but at least I can drive to the poor house. Bedbugs were a serious topic that needed to be addressed, hopefully at your address not mine. Please contact the office if you have them as they have access to an entomologist. I believe he is a bug expert named Mr. Roche.*  I hope Village View doesn't take me to court for having Roscoe the bed bug sniffing dog from Bell Environmental taking up permanent residence in my apartment. I hear he has fleas.

*Seriously, if you have a bedbug problem contact the office. They will handle it professionally and discreetly.


  1. Is there a plan or even serious comtemplation of upgrading the radiators? Also, what about switching over from fuse to circuit breakers?

  2. There has been no discussion concerning radiator upgrades, although it is a good point. Switching from fuse to circuit breakers I believe was discussed prior to my appointment to the board. Maybe it's time to bring it up again. I will mention it at the next board meeting, and will keep you updated. Great picture!
