Monday, April 11, 2011

A land flowing with artificial animals and fountains

Breaking ground on the new playground
In the year 2010 it was decreed that the children of Village View would wonder aimlessly for 40 weeks without a playground. In April 2011 the Lord brought them into a land filled with milk and honey, although artificial animals and a water fountain might be more accurate. As a sign of his love the Lord installed a rubberized surface to protect his children and video cameras to watch over them*. During this Passover, Easter, and Spring season I wish you Shalom, Peace, health, and all the children shouted Hallelujah!

*Video cameras have not been approved. It just poetic license although this is not a poem, and my license has been revoked to bare arms (too hairy).

In other news pressure from animal rights activists such as Greenpeace and the World Wildlife Federation has forced management and the board to save the whale!
Mgr. Brenda Hundley and Board member Rick Pamias deciding how to Free Willy.


  1. Wow...this is incredible!!! is there going to be new equipment? More environmentally friendly mats vs. the hot black ones?

  2. Also, what ever happened to the lobby renovation for the rest of the buildings??????

