Saturday, November 20, 2010

Are the parking fees to high?

You may have noticed the rates for parking in Manhattan are very expensive, and by that measure our rates are very reasonable. There is one fundamental difference and that is they are open to the public who are charged the current market rate. Some local co-ops charge less than 100. a month, and by that standard we are very high. While I was campaigning some residents asked if anything could be done to reduce the rate, and both Luis Reyes and I said we would look into it. Luis even suggested that if we could not reduce the rate across the board maybe we could have it reduced for seniors. Since I pay for parking I will abstain from voting if there is a reduction for everyone. If it is only for seniors I will vote since I won't benefit from it. You didn't think I was that old, did you?

Update: Luis suggested seniors/disabled/retired on fix incomes first.

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