Monday, November 29, 2010

My First Board Meeting 11/29

President Adam Silvera called the meeting to order, and the first motion was to approve the election results by Honest Ballot Association. It was approved, but there were many complaints concerning long lines due to the breakdown of one machine. It was also unfortunate that some shareholders had to go to the office to authorize their eligibility to vote because they were not listed on the records. The board will do everything possible to make sure this does not happen in the future. We then elected new officers. Adam Silvera was elected President, Ricardo Pamias was elected Vice President, yours truly was elected Executive Vice President, Frank Gardner was elected Treasurer, Jack Kowalcyk was elected Assistant Treasurer, John Poreba was elected Secretary, and Luis Reyes was elected Assistant Secretary. Next month we will be studying the Antonucci capital needs assessment report which I hear is longer than "War and Peace". I guess I won't be able to use the excuse "my dog ate my homework" since I am not allowed to own one. Maybe I misunderstood when my friends said I should run for the board, they might have been saying run for the border!

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