Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How do you respond to the flyer that said you lied?

I said I supported the Mitchell Lama program at the meet the candidates night, and the writer of the flyer claims I lied because I told many people I was for privatization. The question posed was concerning my current opinion as candidate for the board. Before I decided to run I talked to both opponents and proponents of privatization and both groups agreed on two issues. Initial costs are very expensive, and  probably  higher carrying charges. No one knows exactly how much, but some of our residents can't even afford a small increase without hurting them financially. Privatization would provide a financial gain for a large group of residents including me and to deny that would be dishonest. However, is it possible to acknowledge the economic benefits, yet oppose privatization on the grounds that many of our neighbors could be hurt by the rising costs? The writer thinks I can't and won't because I am so greedy that I would be willing to evict our neighbors to make a profit. To quote the flyer "They (Dan and Robert) only care about themselves and making the rest of us homeless". They offer no evidence that would lend any credibility to that statement. This is a serious issue and it needs civil, adult discussion on both sides of the aisle. I understand the person at "save village view" is committed to keeping village view affordable, and for this they should be commended. The best way to further their cause is not by demonizing anyone they believe is their enemy, but by using the facts. No one can be manipulated to support privatization if they understood that they could be hurt financially by it. Sorry to be repetitive, but this is the shareholders decision and not the boards. Please read my blog on "Privatization, how I see it", where I specifically stated my objection was based on the economic cost. That's my opinion what's yours?

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